Founder David Schulze

We take out the trash so you don't have to!

-No more hauling those garbage bags down the stairs.

-No more fights over who's turn it is to take out the trash.

-No more scary night walks to the dumpster!

Cras porta porta turpis

Vestibulum vitae lectus a leo commodo egestas

Aliquam nec felis tellus. Sed a dolor lectus. Phasellus ac dolor id nunc pharetra interdum. Fusce magna nulla, elementum nec luctus sit amet, lacinia ut lorem.

Nullam ac mi id massa consectetur

Praesent at nunc tellus sed sed auctor odio

Nullam fermentum risus vitae lectus posuere sagittis. Praesent faucibus, dui vitae condimentum semper, dolor augue ornare elit, quis congue ante lacus id dui.

Maecenas venenatis viverra nisi

Maecenas ut mauris eu ligula placerat tempor vel

Suspendisse dolor dui, pretium quis sagittis convallis, placerat et diam. Fusce euismod mattis mauris, ac consequat leo pellentesque non. Nullam ut pharetra diam.

Service Overviews

We offer several different plans for your trash collection needs!

VTS offers two different pickup schedules for your convenience.


The Two a Week Pickup Plan!

This plan is exactly like the "Five a Week Pickup Plan" except it costs less a month and there are only two pickups a week! One on Sunday evening and another on Thursday evening.


The Five a Week Pickup Plan!

  • Sunday to Thursday you bag and tie your trash.
  • You set it onto your doorstep between the hours of 6pm and 8pm.
  • We collect your trash during the evening.
  • In the morning you awake to a trash free home!


Utilize the five a week plan for less than a dollar a day ($30 monthly) or the two a week plan for just at $20 a month.

David Schulze - Owner