Founder David Schulze

We take out the trash so you don't have to!

The kids are yelling in the other room, the dog just ate a cushion, and to top it all off it just started raining outside. With all the hassles of everyday life, wouldn't it be nice to have a little help? Don't worry Valet Trash Services is on the way!

Cras porta porta turpis

Vestibulum vitae lectus a leo commodo egestas

Aliquam nec felis tellus. Sed a dolor lectus. Phasellus ac dolor id nunc pharetra interdum. Fusce magna nulla, elementum nec luctus sit amet, lacinia ut lorem.

Nullam ac mi id massa consectetur

Praesent at nunc tellus sed sed auctor odio

Nullam fermentum risus vitae lectus posuere sagittis. Praesent faucibus, dui vitae condimentum semper, dolor augue ornare elit, quis congue ante lacus id dui.

Maecenas venenatis viverra nisi

Maecenas ut mauris eu ligula placerat tempor vel

Suspendisse dolor dui, pretium quis sagittis convallis, placerat et diam. Fusce euismod mattis mauris, ac consequat leo pellentesque non. Nullam ut pharetra diam.

About Our Company

VTS is about more than simply providing a fantastic service we are about building strong communities.


VTS is founded on the idea of people helping people. That's why we not only believe in the service we provide, but also in reinvesting in our communities through scholarships.

We begin accepting applications in May

VTS Scholarship

VTS is the only Valet Trash Services with an annual scholarship. This scholarship goes to a student of any age that does the most to "clean-up" their community.

Qualifed Applicants

-Do their best to improve their community and the lives of those around them

-Academically minded


